How to make easy money while helping your community!

Make money, help your community and get to know your neighbors!

Earn easy money

Here at Djeepo, we have a number of values that we hold close to our heart. The company emerged as an effort to reconnect neighborhoods in Amsterdam and make more efficient use of the space already available. By linking storage owners to neighbors in need of it, Djeepo tries to foster interactions between people in the same community while offering an easy way to earn a passive income. In this blog post, we will go over a number of apps and platforms that will enable you to earn extra money on the side while getting in touch with the people around you.


Mobypark earn money with your parking - Map overview on laptop

Do you have a parking spot that you don't use, or are you going on a long road trip yourself and leave your car park behind completely empty? This spot of only a couple of square meters is worth more than you think! Mobypark lets you earn money with your parking spot. Mobypark fills up available spots, by sending verified international drivers to your parking spot. They handle payments and do customer support. On top of that, they provide different options to automate the parking process and management. All around Europe people, but also businesses like hotels, are renting out their vacant parking space to travelers. By opening up your vacant spots, you are helping yourself earn a nice side income while another person is super happy to use your parking space for a day, a week, or even longer. But by sharing your parking, you actually also help the city taking cars off the street and reducing traffic jams and pollution caused by cars searching for parking. What are you waiting for!?


Peerby, thanks Neighbor!
It’s no secret that our world is becoming increasingly materialistic. No generation has been so obsessed with buying and possessing things than the current one. But do not worry as there is light at the end of this tunnel: Peerby, a well established Amsterdam-based start-up, is tackling this problem by encouraging people to share their possessions among each other. Maybe you have a drill, lawnmower or bakfiets that you’re not constantly using. On Peerby, you can list these items and let people around you rent them exactly when they need them.  As such, the platform provides both a cost-effective way to use the tools that you currently need and a way for owners to monetize and make the most out of past purchases. A truly beautiful example of the sharing economy!


Djeepo Amsterdam StorageOne of the best ways to make some money on the side is Djeepo. Amsterdam based Djeepo aims to connect locals who have extra space with neighbors who are looking for storage space for some of their belongings. You have an empty attic? Or maybe your apartment has a barely used storage unit in the basement? It doesn’t matter how big or small, you can start monetizing your storage space today. People around you have booked spaces ranging from half-empty broom closets to huge private storage rooms. So, give it a try, list that space on Djeepo and start earning money while getting to know your neighbors!


A new alternative for making extra money has recently arrived to Amsterdam! Expatgenius' aim is to help expats who are moving to a new city to feel at home and settle in. How do they do that you ask? The company connects freshly arrived expats to locals who are interested in helping their peers. These "geniuses" help expats find an apartment, walk them through residence permits, taxes or even help them find a good school for your children. You think you got what it takes to help fellow expats? By signing up on the website you get to determine when you'd like to work, how much you want to earn and, obviously, choose which services you'd like to offer.

Eatwith Dinner Party


Have you ever thought of opening your own restaurant? With Eatwith, you can turn your living room into your own little gastronomic paradise: After passing an “audition” dinner, where hygiene, cooking and hosting skills will be assessed, you can create your own menu and invite lovely strangers to come join you for a night of delicious food, cool drinks and interesting conversations. All this time, you remain in control: The platform lets you conveniently create various menus, schedule dinners at a dates and times of your choosing and review and accept guests. You get to decide when you want to work and how much you’d like to earn. All while doing what you love: Sharing your cooking skills. With Eatwith, it really is up to you whether you want to launch a side gig as a home-chef or even use Eatwith to jump start a professional cooking career!


Fiverr cover picture and logoFiverr is an online platform that connects talented individuals with interested clients from all over the world, Fiverr allows you to make money out of what you know how to do best. Whether you are a digital marketing specialist and want to help start-ups grow or a budding music producer eager to get into film scoring, Fiverr enables anyone to start working as a freelancer.  And it comes with a number of perks as well: As a freelancer, you get to decide how much you would like to earn with your services and determine what kind of assignments you'd like to accept. While earning money through this platform does require work, the freedom that comes with it and the sizable income that results from your work definitely make Fiverr worth your while!

Airbnb Experiences

Airbnb Experiences, different tours and a way to earn moneyConnecting with strangers and sharing what you love is an incredible experience. It describes exactly what Airbnb Experiences, the popular flat-sharing platform's new feature, is trying to promote: By connecting locals who have an experience to share with tourists who are looking to get a truer look of the city they are visiting, Airbnb Experiences can effectively turn you into part-time money earning tour guide.
Whether you have a passion for craft beers and know all the best spots in town to hit up or you’re an avid photographer who wants to take a group of like-minded enthusiasts on a tour around the coolest locations in Amsterdam, you can create this tour on the platform and entice visitors to sign up. Ultimately, Airbnb enables you to make money off activities that you love doing while meeting new and interesting tourists. A win-win in every sense of the word!


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